2023 New Year's Resolutions from Campus Scholars

2023 New Year's Resolutions from Campus Scholars
Recruiting students from across the U.S., Campus is the new alternative to online community college. We’re on a mission to maximize access to a world-class education to set students up for success no matter what their next step is. Read on to learn about our students’ unique experiences.

The start of a new year is a great time for reflection and setting sights on goals for what’s ahead. Just over one year ago, Campus launched the online associate degree in business as part of our Campus Scholars programming with our first set of hardworking students, and we’re thrilled to see how much they’ve grown with us. To celebrate our first-year community, we’re sharing some of our students’ aspirations for 2023.

The Goal Breakdown

At the start of the new quarter, we asked Campus Scholars which kind of goal resonates with them most as they dive into the new year. Each type of goal was represented by a short sentence encapsulating some of the more popular goals college students may set for themselves. Check out the results below:

  • 25.9% plan to focus on health/wellness goals
  • 22.2% want to prioritize academic goals
  • 18.5% will set their sights on self-appreciation goals
  • 14.8% are honing in on career goals
  • 11.2% plan to chase professional development goals
  • 7.4% want to achieve their interpersonal goals
Campus Scholars Goals for 2023 breakdown represented by a pie chart
Campus Scholars' 2023 goal breakdown results

Because health and wellness can help set the stage for success in other areas, perhaps it’s not surprising that most scholars opted to focus on goals centered on physical fitness, nutrition, or any other improvements that would benefit their health.

Students who aspire to work on professional development goals are looking to gain or improve skills that would give them professional advantages, whereas students who selected career goals are looking to get a promotion, a raise, or a new job that fits their long-term career plans.

Many of the 18.5% who want to focus on self-appreciation agree that they would like to focus on taking some more time for themselves, while 7.4% of scholars would like to tend to their relationships with others or even start new ones! Regardless of which category they chose, we believe in all of our students and can’t wait to see how they grow over the course of the next year.

We were also honored to see that some of our scholars went above and beyond to share their goals for this year in their own words. Here are a few examples that really stuck out to us!

What are some of your goals for 2023?

Responses have been edited for clarity and length.

Josephine L.

"My goal is to maintain a 3.5 GPA or above. I want to maintain this GPA because I want to be able to transfer into a really good school, and I feel like having a solid GPA is super important for my academic career."

Bethany S.

"My goal is to start achieving the goals I set rather than procrastinating another year!"

Darion S.

"I want to get my bachelor’s in financial technology and economics after I complete my associate degree with Campus! My goal for the new year is to lock in a new job in the financial industry. Why? Well, I need to raise a lot of capital to fund my ideas and I want to get a job that will offer enough for me to pay bills and invest into streams of income!"

Hannah B.

"One of my goals for this year is to create a better balance for my school life, work life, and personal life. I think that by finding the right balance I’ll be able to really focus on achieving my ultimate goal: finally getting my first degree!"

Princess W.

"My personal goal is to gain more stamina! While I can run 11 miles in 45 minutes right now, I’d like to work my way up to 13 miles in the same amount of time. Ultimately, 2023 is the year I want to begin my lifelong fitness journey so that I can be one with my mind, body, and soul."

Sylvia S.

"I have several goals for 2023. My personal goal is to embrace quality time with my family. My professional goal is to enhance skills that will allow me to advance in the Early Child Care Education field. As for my academic endeavors, I want to continue to learn and advance in Campus, so that I can then move along to a four-year college."

What Are Your Goals for 2023?

Now that we have made a month’s headway into the new year, we want to encourage you to pursue your goals. No matter what time of the year it is, you should feel empowered to take a chance on kickstarting your future one step at a time.

Thank you to our incredible students for all of their effort throughout 2022. We can’t wait to see where these goals will take them as they continue their educational journey with Campus!

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