How Much is Community College?

How Much is Community College?
Campus is the new alternative to online community college that provides a 100% live and online Associate of Arts in Business Administration degree program. We’re on a mission to maximize access to a world-class education, starting with our career-focused business program that equips students from across the U.S. with a solid foundation in core business principles to set them up for success no matter what their next step is.

Can’t find a straight answer when it comes to the question: how much is community college? Whether a student is from the same state as the college or from another state affects the cost of their community college education.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, public community colleges charge on average about $3,900 per academic year. In comparison, private for-profit two-year institutions charged $15,800 for the 2021–22 academic year, while the average annual tuition for private non-profit two-year colleges is a bit higher, at $18,000 per year.

In-state students' tuition and fees at a public community college can often run between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars every semester.

Fortunately, there are ways to attend community college for “free,” with free meaning no out-of-pocket costs to you. At the very least, you could potentially make your community college costs a lot more affordable through numerous methods, including enrolling in an online community college program to save money or applying for financial aid.

For instance, the Federal Pell Grant is a form of financial aid that’s given to undergraduate students with financial needs who haven't yet graduated with a bachelor's, master's, or professional degree. Students must apply for it through the FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which can help them check their eligibility for many other kinds of government-funded aid.

In this case, if your tuition costs for community college are less than the Pell Grant award you receive, like that of the Campus online associate degree in business program, you could possibly attend the program without out-of-pocket tuition costs because your aid covered your expenses!

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Before determining how you could attend community college at minimal cost and how to pay for community college in general, however, it’s important to understand the general costs across the board. This Campus guide discusses how much is community college to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about your next higher education move.

How Much Do Community Colleges Cost?

There is no doubt that universities are charging today's students more for higher education in comparison to prior generations. So what does this mean for college costs? Is community college more affordable than traditional universities?

As per the same data from NCES, related to the question of how much do community colleges cost, the fee has changed significantly over time. Many factors, like inflation and the pandemic, have influenced the average cost of tuition, fees, and room and board for an undergraduate degree.

Of course, the change in costs varies greatly depending on the type of institution. For private nonprofit four-year colleges, tuition increased by $5,900 from 2010 to 2021, while public four-year schools saw an increase of $900 in tuition.

How does the cost of community college compare to that of a university? On the two-year institution side, public colleges saw their tuition increase by $600, and private nonprofit two-year colleges had an increase of $1,500. Interestingly enough, private for-profit two-year colleges saw their tuition actually decrease by $800!

Reflecting on the costs associated with higher education, it's noteworthy that, according to the same NCES data, two-year colleges consistently present a more affordable option within their respective categories compared to four-year universities. Whether looking at private for-profit institutions, public, or private nonprofit colleges, the trend remains: two-year colleges are generally less expensive than their four-year counterparts.

Let’s look at the different community college tuitions to give you a better idea.

States With the Least Expensive Community College Tuition

Community college tuition varies from state to state. Tuition is much more expensive in the states with the highest cost of attendance than in the states with the lowest cost of attendance by a difference of almost 500%.

Additionally, in some states, the cost of attending a typical community college vs university is actually quite comparable. The annual cost differential could be $10,000 or more in the case of some states.

Here are the top five states with the least expensive community college tuition for in-state students:

State Community College Tuition (In-State)
California $1,310
New Mexico $1,720
Arizona $2,220
Texas $2,270
Delaware $2,290

The chart below has the out-of-state community college tuition that is the least expensive:

State Community College Tuition (Out-of-State)
Nebraska $4,224
Kansas $4,750
Arkansas $4,900
New Mexico $5,480
Delaware $5,720

After ample research, we found that colleges offering the lowest tuition tend to be in California. Here are a few cities with community colleges that charge especially low tuition costs per term:

City, State Institution Fee Per Semester (for 2022-23)
Glendale, CA Glendale Community College $690
San Francisco, CA City College of San Francisco $690
Las Vegas, NV Luna Community College $732

Note that above is only the community college tuition. It doesn’t include additional expenses you may have to manage if you start attending.

Are There Additional Expenses Beyond Tuition at Community Colleges?

Yes, beyond tuition, community colleges may involve additional expenses such as fees for registration, books, supplies, and potentially room and board if the college offers on-campus housing. These costs vary by institution but are important factors to consider when planning for the total cost of education at a community college.

States With the Most Expensive Community College Tuition

After discussing the least expensive community college tuition, it’s time to explore the costly options. Below you’ll find the top five states with the most expensive community college tuition for in-state students:

State Community College Tuition (In-State)
New Hampshire $7,560
Vermont $6,610
South Dakota $6,000
Minnesota $5,540
New York $5,390

And here are the top five states with the most expensive out-of-state tuition:

State Community College Tuition (Out-of-State)
Tennessee $16,620
New Hampshire $16,380
Kentucky $14,240
Pennsylvania $14,090
Connecticut $13,270

States With Free Community College

Several states have implemented initiatives that provide qualifying students with a free community college education. These initiatives seek to widen participation in higher education and workforce development.

It's important to keep in mind that although some of these state programs primarily focus on community college education at physical locations, they may also extend their advantages to cover online community college tuition.

The quantity and accessibility of online alternatives, however, may differ not only by state but by institution as well. Students must research and understand the requirements of each program in their state.

Below are some examples of free community college offered by different states and a few fast facts about their specific program:


Thanks to the California Promise Program, the chance for students to attend community colleges has increased. Not all institutions receiving California Promise funds waive enrollment fees; instead, many direct the money towards improving student support services to better student outcomes or giving grants to students to help them pay for things like child care, transportation, books, or other costs.


Connecticut offers two types of financial aid to provide free community college:

  • The Pledge to Advance CT (PACT) program is a state-funded initiative that provides qualified students with financial aid to cover up to three years of community and technical college education.
  • The New Haven Promise program is a scholarship initiative that encourages young people in Connecticut's Greater New Haven area to attend college.

There are also online accredited institutions that offer free community college to students from different states, or welcome the opportunity of free community college through financial aid, such as the Campus online associate degree in business program.

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To dive deeper into the world of free community college, check out our free community college guide.

Using Financial Aid to Reduce the Cost of Community College Tuition

With the comparisons made below, you can gain a better understanding of how much you need to spend on your education when it comes to choosing the right type of institution for you:

Average Cost of Online College: Remote vs On Campus

Note: the table shows the average cost of earning a four-year degree or bachelor’s degree online as a resident of the state, as there is more sufficient data from Education Data for four-year schools as of the 2019-2020 academic year. Numerous online colleges and programs, like Campus, do not adjust tuition based on residency.

Type of Program Average Per-Credit-Hour Tuition (Online) Average Per-Credit-Hour Tuition (On Campus)
Public $320.80 $491.20
Private $504.90 $2,162.93

Average Cost of Community College Tuition & Fees: In-District vs Out-of-State

The table below shows the differences in the annual tuition at community colleges nationally, as reported by Education Data.

Student Residency Average Annual Community College Tuition
In-District $3,400
Out-of-State $8,210

Knowing the general costs, it is, however, possible to lower community college tuition costs for yourself. Here are tips to consider:

  • Pick an in-state community college: Enrolling at an in-district community college vs an out-of-state one can result in reduced tuition expenses. You may also be qualified for state-based financial aid programs and lower in-state tuition rates.
  • Consider online community college: Online community college classes and programs can offer flexibility and possibly lower fees. You can save money on housing and commuting costs as well as enroll in degree programs that have lower tuition rates online.
  • Apply for financial aid: Fill out the FAFSA to know if you qualify for institutional, state, and federal financial aid programs. This covers loans, work-study programs, grants, and scholarships. Review your choices and don’t forget to submit applications for other scholarships!

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Speaking of financial aid, here are the types of financial aid options that may be applicable to community colleges, online and in-person:

  • Pell Grants, federal grants and scholarships
  • Grant and scholarship programs funded by the state
  • Organizational scholarships
  • Institutional or federal work-study programs
  • Federal or institutional loans

To get a more affordable education, you’ll have to be proactive and thoughtful about applying to and for programs, thoroughly understanding the costs of attending your specific school of choice, and exploring the areas in which you could potentially save out-of-pocket expenses.

Community College Tuition by State

If you have a specific state in mind, check out the data below for community college tuition by state, as documented by Education Data.


Although Alaska's in-state community college tuition is slightly above average, it is less expensive for out-of-state students.

  • The in-state tuition rate for community colleges in Alabama is $4,540.
  • The out-of-state tuition is $9,410.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The residents of Alabama can apply for the CollegeCounts Scholarship to access some financial assistance. The CollegeCounts Scholarship is a financial aid initiative created to assist Alabama families with college savings and to aid the academic pursuits of Alabama high school students.


Community college tuition in Alaska is:

  • $3,960 for in-state students.
  • $7,220 for out-of-state students.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The financial aid students in this state may have access to include the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) and the Alaska Education Grant (AEG).


Here’s what you need to know about the tuition fees in Arizona:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Arizona is $2,220.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,310.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Students can apply for Arizona Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (AzLEAP). It is a type of need-based award given to low-income undergraduate students in Arizona who have shown they have a serious financial need. The maximum AzLEAP grant for the academic year is $2,500, while the average amount is $1,000.


Although Arkansas' in-state tuition is just a little bit higher than the national average, its out-of-state tuition is almost half that amount.

  • In-state tuition for an average community college in Arkansas is $3,390.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $4,900.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

A state-sponsored aid called the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship offers students variable funding based on their academic progress. Depending on the grade point average (GPA) in high school, the scholarship has multiple award levels. The obligatory GPA may change from year to year.


As mentioned previously, we’ve learned that California has notably cheap community colleges in the U.S. The community college tuition in California is as follows:

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in California is $1,310.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $7,730.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The California state aid commission provides several options for financial aid, such as

Among these the most popular one is the Cal Grant. Numerous grant categories are available through the Cal Grant program, including:

Cal Grant A: This scholarship is available to undergraduate students in California colleges and universities that meet certain requirements. It helps pay for tuition and fees. Additionally, it offers living expenses to students who attend college far from home.

Cal Grant B: This grant is intended for underprivileged students from low-income families. In addition to helping with tuition and fees, books, and supplies, it offers a living allowance.

Cal Award C: This award is intended exclusively for students in career technical education or occupational training programs.


Here is the tuition in Colorado for you to estimate your costs:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Colorado is $3,750.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $10,670.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The financial aid you can get from the authorities includes Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) that fills equity gaps and gives Colorado ASSET students access to postsecondary education. The second option is The College Opportunity Fund (COF).

To those who qualify, the College Opportunity Fund offers a per-credit-hour payment. The Colorado General Assembly determines the annual stipend amount, which may change from year to year. At participating universities, the stipend is used to cover a portion of the in-state tuition fees, lowering out-of-pocket expenditures for students.


For residents, Connecticut boasts one of the best community college systems in the country when it comes to costs. However, out-of-state students pay 50% more annually than those who reside there.

Here is the cost of community college in Connecticut:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Connecticut is $2,380.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $13,270.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The financial aid for residents is the Roberta B. Willis Scholarship Program. It offers financial support to competent individuals from Connecticut who want to attend college there. Connecticut Capitol Scholarship, the Connecticut Aid for Public College Students, and the Connecticut Independent College Student Grant Program, just to name a few more options.


Next up, let’s evaluate: how much is community college in Delaware?

  • In-state tuition for an average community college in Delaware is $2,290.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $5,720.

This state has one of the lowest in-state and out-of-state tuition costs.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

This is the average fee of community colleges in Delaware, and to reduce it, they offer numerous options:


Florida’s community college tuition is as follows:

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college is $2,580.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $9,380.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Students can determine if they are eligible for Florida-funded programs by creating an account on the Office of Student Financial Aid (of Florida) and applying for the Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA). Programs include Bright Futures Scholarship Program, among others.

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For in-state students, Georgia boasts one of the most affordable community college systems. This is the fee structure of community colleges in Georgia:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Georgia is $2,990.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,330.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Georgia offers programs like the Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally (HOPE) and other Scholarship & Grant Programs as well. The Georgia HOPE Scholarship offers money to help with the cost of tuition and fees at Georgia universities that qualify. The Georgia HOPE Scholarship is extendable for a set amount of credits or until a bachelor's degree is obtained, whichever comes first. Students must maintain an acceptable GPA at their chosen institution or university each year in order to renew the scholarship.


Here is the tuition for community colleges in Hawaii:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Hawaii is $3,170.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,460.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The Hawaii Promise Scholarship covers all in-state tuition costs for community colleges. The direct costs of education are covered by Hawaii Promise, including tuition, fees, and an allowance for books and other study materials.


Like the previous states, there is a remarkable difference between Idaho’s community college in-state and out-of-state fees.

  • In-state tuition for a community college in Idaho is around $3,380.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $7,960.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

There are multiple scholarships available, including

  • Idaho Opportunity Scholarship: Students who live in Idaho who have graduated or will graduate from an Idaho high school, an institution with a similar accreditation, or an Idaho homeschool are eligible for the scholarship program. Candidates must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.7. The grant, which is worth $3,500 to help with tuition, is re-eligible for up to four years.
  • Idaho Postsecondary Credit Scholarship: A merit-based scholarship that gives students with an acceptable industrial scholarship an additional opportunity. Current Idaho Postsecondary Credit Scholarship recipients must submit a new application each year.


After reading through this list up to this point, you will notice that the community college fee in Illinois is on the relatively expensive side.

  • In-state tuition for the usual community college in Illinois is $4,010.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $11,320.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Students can go for a number of scholarship programs like Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grants. Nearly all of the listed scholarships are for students aiming to work in education.


Here are the numbers for Indiana:

  • On average, in-state tuition for community college is $4,380.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,460.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The 21st Century Scholars Program in Indiana provides community college education that is free of cost. Their scholarship programs include EARN Indiana (Employment Aid Readiness Network), which is the state’s work-study program, and the Frank O’Bannon Grant, Indiana’s primary need-based financial aid program.


When it comes to the state of Iowa,

  • In-state tuition is $5,070.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,780.

State-Specific Financial Aid Option:

The scholarship options in Iowa include Iowa Tuition Grant and Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship.

The Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship is intended to bridge any residual gap between tuition and qualifying fees, grants, and scholarships from the federal and state governments. Eligible educational institutions are any Iowa community college and vetted, accredited private college programs.


Here is the fee structure of community colleges in Kansas:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Kansas is $3,480.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $4,750.

State-Specific Financial Aid Option:

There are scholarship options like Kansas State Scholarship and Kansas Comprehensive Grant.

You must have obtained both a letter confirming your designation as a Kansas State Scholar and a certificate from the Kansas Board of Regents stating that you completed the Kansas Scholars Curriculum in order to be eligible to apply for the Kansas State Scholarship during your senior year of high school in Kansas.

With award amounts ranging from $200 to $10,000 at private universities and $100 to $4,000 at public institutions, the Kansas Comprehensive Grant enables around one in three eligible students to receive assistance.


For out-of-state students, Kentucky has the third-most expensive community college system. For in-state students, it is also more expensive than average.

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in Kentucky is $4,230.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $14,240.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state-sponsored Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program offers community college students free tuition.


Here is how much community college tuition in Louisiana costs:

  • For the typical community college in Louisiana, in-state tuition is $4,220.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $7,270 per year.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Students can apply for The Taylor Opportunity Program for Students and Go Grant. The minimum amount awarded annually by Go Grant is $300, and the maximum is $3,000.

Students who attend a public college or university in Louisiana, a facility that is a part of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System, or a facility that is a part of the Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities are specifically eligible for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students. The TOPS Opportunity Award, TOPS Performance Award, TOPS Honour Award, and TOPS Tech Award are the four tiers of TOPS scholarships that are given out.


Maine charges a little bit more for community college tuition than many other colleges across the country. On the other hand, out-of-state students pay far less than the average.

  • The average community college in Maine charges in-state students $3,810 in tuition.
  • Out-of-state tuition costs $6,690.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Maine has plenty of scholarship programs available for residents to apply. For undergraduate students in Maine, the Maine State Grant Program offers funds based on need. The Free College Scholarship pays the full cost of tuition and required fees at any of the state's seven schools.


Maryland is known for being one of the most educated states in the country. This is what their community college tuition looks like:

  • The average community college in Maryland charges in-state students $4,210 in tuition.
  • Out-of-state tuition costs $9,750.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The amount of the GA Grant is proportional to the student's financial need, up to a maximum of $20,000, and it can be received by students. Aside from this, there are other financial aid programs, too.


Whether you plan to attend a four-year public university or a community college, Massachusetts is one of the more expensive states to pursue higher education in.

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Massachusetts is $5,140.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $10,310.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Assess some of the many scholarship options in Massachusetts. Undergraduate Massachusetts residents who meet the income eligibility requirements and are enrolled in a recognized degree or certificate program at one of the state's colleges or universities are eligible for financial assistance grant programs.

Students can apply for MASSGrant and MASSGrant Plus programs, and Agnes M. Lindsay Scholarship Program, which offers financial aid to rural residents of Massachusetts who want to enroll in public institutions of higher learning within the state.


In Michigan,

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in Michigan is $3,570.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,750.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

To know how much is community college in Michigan, you can consider the Michigan Student Aid program. The Student Financial Services Bureau of the Michigan Department of Treasury administers a number of financial assistance options and scholarships under the umbrella of the Michigan Student assistance program. This attempts to lower the cost of college for qualified students. Moreover, Michigan Reconnect provides free in-district tuition for students.


Here is the cost of the traditional institutions to help you calculate how much is community college in Minnesota.

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Minnesota is $5,540.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,300.

State-Specific Financial Aid Option:

Students can send applications for Minnesota State Grant to reduce their tuition. All applicants must provide at least half of the cost of attendance from their own funds, whether through savings, income, loans, or other forms of school or private aid. A contribution from the parents, as determined by what’s gathered from the student’s FAFSA, and a combination of Federal Pell Grant and State Grant awards cover the remaining 50% of the cost of attendance for dependent students.


Mississippi has the fifth-lowest out-of-state tuition rates in the country. Mississippi's in-state tuition is comparable to the national average.

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in Mississippi is $3,280.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $5,800.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The MS financial aid offers HELP – Higher Education Legislative Plan for needy students.

The Higher Education Legislative Plan for Needy Students Grant is offered to Mississippi residents who can show financial need and who have an ACT score of 20 or higher, a high school GPA of 2.5 or higher, and completion of the HELP Core Curriculum. The HELP Grant covers the full cost of tuition at public colleges and universities in Mississippi.


Let’s go through the tuition fee:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Missouri is $3,370.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,340.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Community college is offered without charge, thanks to the Missouri A+ Scholarship. Students who graduate from an A+ designated high school may be eligible to receive scholarship funds. The college will ask the state to pay the college's tuition reimbursement.

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Despite the much lower expenses at its 4-year institutions, Montana's community colleges are roughly the same in price as the average community college in the United States.

  • In-state tuition for the typical Montana community college is $3,740.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,740.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The MUS Honour Scholarship (MUSHS) is a four-year renewable scholarship that, when used at a qualifying college, waives the recipient's tuition.


Students often inquire about how much is community college in Nebraska? So, here is the cost of colleges in the state:

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in Nebraska is $3,310.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $4,224.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The financial aid programs include Access College Early (ACE) Scholarship Program, Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG), and Community College Gap Assistance Program.

High school seniors who will enroll in college courses at Nebraska colleges or universities through dual enrollment or early enrollment agreements with their preferred schools are eligible for this scholarship.

The Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG) is for postsecondary students in Nebraska who are enrolled in qualified schools and universities. EFC and funding availability are used to determine eligibility. NOG is given to students who have been approved for Pell Grants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Low-income students who meet the criteria will be given a one-time payment to cover costs associated with the evaluation, training, and testing necessary for the Community College Gap Assistance Program.


For residents from Nevada, we have found this information on the cost of community college.

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Nevada is $3,170.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $10,150.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The scholarship programs Millennium Scholarship and Memorial Scholarship provide students with an opportunity to save a significant amount of money. Other than that, the Nevada Promise Scholarship covers the registration charges and other compulsory fees.

New Hampshire

To remove ambiguity, below are the relevant numbers associated with the college fees in New Hampshire:

  • In-state tuition for the traditional community college in New Hampshire is $7,560.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $16,380.

State-Specific Financial Aid Option:

The state offers the Governor’s Scholarship Program to lift some burden off the students’ shoulders. A scholarship grant of $2,000 per year for up to four years may be available to any first-year, full-time, Pell Grant-eligible student who receives the New Hampshire Scholar designation and fulfills the residency and academic requirements. The scholarship payment for all other qualifying students will be $1,000 each year for a maximum of four years.

New Jersey

Here are the average community college tuition costs for prospective students in New Jersey.

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in New Jersey is $4,670.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,290.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The Community College Opportunity Grant program pays the entire cost of tuition. The annual adjusted gross income for residents who may qualify ranges from $0 to $65,000. Residents who earn higher income may be eligible for partial awards.

New Mexico

The second-cheapest state for in-state students to attend a community college is New Mexico. This is what the fee structure of community colleges in New Mexico looks like:

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in New Mexico is $1,720.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $5,480.

State-Specific Financial Aid Option:

Although New Mexico delivers several great scholarship programs, to get a degree for free, you need to qualify for the New Mexico Scholarship Program.

New York

How much is community college in New York is a thought that crosses the mind of hundreds of students across the globe.

The students should expect this amount as the college fee in New York.

  • In-state tuition for an average community college in New York is $5,390.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $9,430.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state's program for community colleges without tuition is called the Excelsior Scholarship, available to families and students making up to $125,000 per year.

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North Carolina

Below is the cost of community college you should anticipate:

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in North Carolina is $2,570.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,750.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The Longleaf Commitment Grant Program allows graduates to study for free from any of the 58 community colleges throughout the state.

North Dakota

To learn how much is community college in North Dakota, take a look at the following college costs:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in North Dakota is $4,840.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $9,710.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state offers The Student Financial Assistance Program (the State Grant), ND Scholarship – Academic, CTE, and ND.

Depending on enrollment status, the North Dakota State Grant can provide up to $1,100 every semester or $733 per quarter.

Each year, students must submit a new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).Early submission is advised as state grant funding is limited.

The ND Scholarship – Academic, CTE, and ND is available to students with a physical presence in the state who plan to attend accredited state public, private, and tribal institutions. The total amount awarded is $6,000.


This is how much is community college in Ohio:

  • In-state tuition for the traditional community college in Ohio is $3,780.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $7,680.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

State Grants & Scholarships a student can get are Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) and Second Chance Grant Program.

The Ohio Department of Higher Education oversees the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) program, which awards grants to residents of Ohio who exhibit the greatest levels of financial need and who are enrolled in Ohio public colleges or universities, Ohio private, non-profit colleges or universities, or Ohio private, for-profit institutions.

Financial need is assessed using the information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which should be completed.

The Second Chance Grant Program offers $2,000 grants to qualified students who re-enroll at an approved institution to pursue a degree or certification.


When it comes to attending community college in Oklahoma,

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Oklahoma is $3,990.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $9,330.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state's tuition-free community college program is called Oklahoma's Promise. Since its beginning, enrollment has increased consistently. Today, if a student's family earns $60,000 or less annually and if they student meets all academic and conduct requirements, Oklahoma's Promise will pay their whole tuition to attend a two-year college or four-year university.


For the residents to comprehend how much is community college in Oregon, here is some information:

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Oregon is $4,620.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $8,760.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The Oregon Promise Grant offers community college without charge to recipients. By the application deadline, the candidate must finish all the steps. The best time to apply for students is during their senior year of high school (before graduation) or right after passing the GED test.


The figures stated below discuss how much is community college in Pennsylvania:

  • In-state tuition is $5,330.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $14,090.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The Pennsylvania General Assembly funds PA Ready to Succeed Scholarship (RTSS) Program. The RTSS is not required to fill out a separate application. You can potentially qualify if you simply submit your FAFSA and PA State Grant Form as early as possible in the current year.

Rhode Island

Here is how much community college costs in Rhode Island:

  • In-state tuition is $4,700.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $12,520.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

To get two years of tuition-free community college, full-time students can check their eligibility for Rhode Island's Promise program. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled full-time to be eligible for in-state tuition, and be on pace to graduate on time to keep the scholarship. After accounting for scholarship income, only the remaining tuition and required student fees are covered.

South Carolina

The money you would need for community college can be estimated with this data:

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college is $4,640.00.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $9,760.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

In order to get free education, students can apply for The South Carolina Workforce Scholarship Program. For citizens of South Carolina, tuition and fees at the sixteen technical colleges in the state are covered.

South Dakota

The third-most expensive community college system is found in South Dakota.

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in South Dakota is $6,000.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,210.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

South Dakota has a variety of state-endorsed scholarships. The colleges and departments at SDSU provide scholarships tailored to particular academic fields. These scholarships are often given out based on a student's academic performance, the potential for leadership, or fulfillment of other requirements set forth by the department or college.


The average out-of-state tuition charged by Tennessee community colleges is the highest.

  • In-state tuition for a typical community college in Tennessee is $4,270.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $16,620.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state's tuition-free community college program is called Tennessee Promise. Both the FAFSA and the Tennessee Promise Scholarship application must be submitted by students through the TSAC Student Portal.


One of the cheapest community college systems is found in Texas. In-state students pay the fourth-least amount. Below is the cost of community college in Texas.

  • In-state tuition is $2,270.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,610.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The funding options are the Toward EXcellence, Access & Success (TEXAS) Grant Program and Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG). The TEXAS Grant was created by the Texas Legislature to help students in need who are enrolled in a public university or healthcare facility in Texas.

A student who qualifies may get an annual scholarship between $3,497 and $5,246 with TEG.


Similarly, public institutions in Utah are among the most reasonably priced in the country.

  • In-state tuition is $3,890.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $12,380.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Utah offers a state-wide scholarship called Utah Promise Scholarship. All public universities, colleges, and technical schools in Utah provide it. For up to two years, the Utah Promise Scholarship will pay for tuition and fees.


After New Hampshire, Vermont has the second-most expensive community college system.

  • In-state tuition is $6,610.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $13,060.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The 802 Opportunity Grant Program can waive tuition fees for every student enrolled in a degree program whose family income is $75,000 or lower and who does currently hold a bachelor's degree, for the fall and spring semesters.


The cost of community colleges in Virginia is among the highest in the country.

  • In-state tuition is $5,270.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $11,610.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

Check out the list of scholarship programs. Additionally, the G3 program can eliminate tuition costs. Selected programs in healthcare, early childhood education, information technology, and public safety may be eligible for G3 financial aid at Virginia's community colleges to help with tuition.


The cost of tuition in Washington goes as follows.

  • In-state tuition is $4,200.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,160.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state's tuition-free community college program is called Washington College Bound.

Students who meet the following criteria may be eligible for the College Bound Scholarship:

  • Have obtained a 2.0 cumulative GPA or above and graduated from a Washington state-approved high school or home education program.
  • Have Never been convicted of a felony.

Beginning in their senior year, students should apply for financial help by completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Help) or WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid).

West Virginia

In the subsequent lines, you can read the college costs in West Virginia.

  • In-state tuition is $4,200.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $9,690.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The West Virginia Invests program can give you access to free education. The West Virginia Invests program will pay the tuition and fees for the certificate or associate degree programs in industries with strong demand, including manufacturing, healthcare, and information technology. The West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education decides which specific programs qualify for funding.


After reviewing the following college costs, you can start saving up for your degree in Wisconsin:

  • In-state tuition is $4,470.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $6,450.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The state provides different financial aid programs, including:


Let’s move to the college costs in Wyoming.

  • In-state tuition for the typical community college in Wyoming is $3,240.
  • Out-of-state tuition is $7,910.

State-Specific Financial Aid Options:

The Hathaway Scholarship program offers free tuition in this state. There are levels of the scholarship based on components, such as Honors, Performance, Opportunity, and Provision. So, this merit-based aid is awarded based on student performance.

Community Colleges Cost Less: Ready to Get Started?

Students can lower the cost of attending community college by being informed about their options and making the best use of financial aid through thoughtful applications and outreach.

Many students find community colleges a more affordable option than four-year institutions because of their relatively lower tuition rates and convenient location. Also, financial aid programs like grants, scholarships, and loans can assist students in paying for their tuition.

To maintain a work-study balance in their lives, students can choose an online community college or a two-year program. On that note, Campus is an example of an accredited institution that delivers a quality online associate degree in business program that has tuition below the maximum Pell Grant award to facilitate students with financial needs.

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