If you have made up your mind you are going to attend beauty school and you’ve decided a cosmetology career is worth the investment, the next step is researching schools.
For those considering a broader range of beauty disciplines, esthetician school costs in California also reflect the quality and depth of their training programs. California has many cosmetology schools, and many avenues for working as a cosmetologist after earning your certification.
Cost is one of the considerations for choosing a beauty school, and you should know what the range is for tuition and supplies.
Ultimately, you should attend a cosmetology school that will give you the necessary training you’ll need to start your career successfully. Similarly, understanding makeup artist school costs is crucial for those aiming to specialize in cosmetic techniques, ensuring you invest wisely in your education. Learning cutting-edge styling techniques and getting valuable hands-on experience in the salon will help you flourish in your cosmetology career.
Let’s look at some of the tuition costs for various beauty schools in California head to head.
Cosmetology School Tuition Costs
These are some comparisons of the typical cost of beauty school for tuition, student kits and supplies, and registration and other fees. This information was retrieved in June of 2023. Unknown values are left as blank cells.
School Name | City | Tuition Cost | Supplies and Student Kit | Other Fees | Total Program Cost |
Paul Mitchell the School at Campus | Sacramento | $14,000 | $3,279 | $200 | $17,479 |
American Beauty College | Los Angeles | $16,108 | $1,250 | $17,358 | |
Avalon School of Cosmetology | Alameda | $16,050 | $1,540 | $17,590 | |
Aveda Institute | Los Angeles | $22,975 | $2.400 | $25,375 | |
Bellus Academy | El Cajon | $16,250 | $2,635.65 | $645 | $19,530.65 |
Blake Austin College | Vacaville | $33,400 | $33,400 | ||
California Beauty College | Modesto | $15,180 | $1,200 | $16,380 | |
California Hair Design Academy | La Mesa | $15,250 | $1,600 | $117.50 | $16,967.50 |
Career Academy of Beauty | Los Angeles | $17,725 | $8,360 | $26,065 | |
Cinta Aveda Institute | San Francisco | $22,600 | $22,600+ | ||
Colleen O’Hara’s Beauty Academy | Los Angeles | $18,560 | $2,800 | $21,360 | |
Federico Beauty Institute | Sacramento | $15,250 | $2,742.63 | $85 | $18,122.63 |
International College of Cosmetology | Oakland | $10,700 | $750 | $11,450 | |
Milan Institute | Palm Desert | $19,209 | $19,209 | ||
Palomar Institute of Cosmetology | San Diego | $18,250 | $1,995 | $20,245 |
How Much Do Student Kits for Beauty Schools Cost?
Additionally, esthetician and makeup artist school costs may include specialized kits, which vary in price depending on the curriculum. The cost of a beauty school kit will vary depending on what is included in the student kit and how much is included, but the typical cost is between $1540 and $3300.
A cosmetology student kit contains all the items you will need to practice your cosmetology skills during the training period. For example, student hairdressing kits at Paul Mitchell cosmetology schools include:
- Combs and brushes
- Mannequin heads
- Hot styling tools
- Shears, scissors, and clips
- Capes and aprons
- Training books and reading materials
These are the costs for student kits and supplies at various cosmetology schools in California.
School Name | City | Student Kit Cost |
Paul Mitchell the School at Campus | Sacramento | $3,279 |
Academy for Salon Professionals | Northridge | $1,638 |
Aveda Institute | Los Angeles | $2,990 |
Bellus Academy | El Cajon | $2,635.65 - $3,605.67 |
Cosmo Beauty Academy | Sacramento | $2,625 |
Federico Beauty Institute | Sacramento | $2,0265.69 |
Financial Aid for Cosmetology School
In California, accredited vocational schools are eligible for financial aid such as grants and loans to cover cosmetology tuition. You can get details on the percentages of students that received financial aid, and what programs are available by contacting the respective schools. Likewise, the esthetician school cost often includes fees for state board exam preparation, a crucial step for all aspiring professionals in the beauty industry.
Earn Your Cosmetology License in Sacramento at Paul Mitchell the School at Campus
Those looking to become makeup artists should also consider the initial investments, as makeup artist school costs can influence your career trajectory from the start. If you are interested in earning your cosmetology license and earning a living as a hairstylist or other cosmetologist, we are here to help answer your questions. Paul Mitchell the School at Campus in Sacramento has a proven, world-class curriculum taught by industry veterans. Our cosmetology program has opening dates throughout the year. Take the first step towards earning your cosmetology license and starting a career in beauty and hairstyling. Request more information by clicking the buttons below.