The Importance of Salon Hygienics
It is very important to keep a beauty salon hygienic. This is a basic fact that is taught to all cosmetology students attending Paul Mitchell the School at Campus, in Sacramento, California. Beauty salons that do not practice proper hygiene will be very unattractive to customers, and they will have a hard time staying in business.
Most people who walk into a salon that is not exceptionally clean will turn around and walk right out the door. Understanding what salon hygiene entails can help in maintaining a clean and inviting environment for clients. Even if they stay, they probably will not come back a second time. This is why salon hygiene is of utmost importance and taught to all students in the Paul Mitchell program. Proper hygiene in salon settings ensures not only customer satisfaction but also the safety of both clients and staff.
As well as being unappealing to customers, salons with poor hygienic practices could also be potentially dangerous for both customers and staff. Poor hygiene is one of the most common ways disease is spread. Hygiene in salon environments plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of germs and diseases, given the intimate interactions between customers and professionals. Here are some salon hygiene tips for students entering into the cosmetology training at Paul Mitchell the School at Campus, in Sacramento that will ensure the salon looks great.

Hand Washing
One of the most important things that needs to be stressed to students in cosmetology training is the importance of hand washing. Hand washing is the cornerstone of good hygiene in all scenarios, including inside the salon. Cosmetologists need to wash their hands every time they go to the bathroom, before and after meals, and in between working with different clients.
Tool Sterilization
Scissors, clippers and any other hair styling tools need to be sterilized with a strong antiseptic solution between customers. This solution is often the trademark blue Barbicide. All tools should be dipped in the Barbicide jar after each customer. Also, if the instrument falls on the floor during the haircut, it should be dipped in the Barbicide again to re-sterilize it. Salon professionals should always keep duplicate tools on hand so that they can keep working with the client instead of having to disrupt the appointment to clean a pair of dropped scissors.
Clean Work Surfaces & Floors
Nothing is more obvious than a dirty floor or counter. Students of Sacramento's Paul Mitchell the School at Campus will learn how to incorporate cleaning and organization into their routine. Spills should be wiped up promptly after a salon professional has finished with a client, and hair trimmings should be swept up before the next client is seated. These steps take only seconds if they are handled before gels or damp hair can cement onto the surface they land on. Salon chairs, phones, tills, keyboards, and mirrors should also be wiped down routinely.
Following these procedures will ensure that the salon has a clean appearance and a reputation for practicing good hygiene. Good hygiene is expected in salons, so while it may not be the reason clients walk through the door, it will definitely help keep them coming back.
Interested in Becoming a Cosmetologist?
When students make the decision to enroll at Paul Mitchell the School at Campus, in Sacramento, they are given the tools they need to adequately prepare them for a career in cosmetology and beauty.
Paul Mitchell Beauty Cosmetology Training at Campus
Individuals interested in a career working as a beauty technician should consider Paul Mitchell the School at Campus, in Sacramento. Students here will receive the best training from the most qualified instructors, as well as be near the beauty capital of the world, Hollywood, California. For a professional cosmetology education, close to epicenter fashion and beauty, apply to Paul Mitchell the School at Campus, in Sacramento today!