How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter

How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter
Recruiting students from across the U.S., Campus is the new alternative to online community college. We’re on a mission to maximize access to a world-class education to set students up for success no matter what their next step is. To us, maximizing access means recognizing the crucial role scholarships play in making education accessible. Read on to learn more about how to write a scholarship thank you letter.

Scholarships are a key part in helping students pursue their higher education dreams. Receiving a scholarship can alleviate so much of the financial burden of paying for tuition, books, room and board, and other college expenses.

Therefore, sending a timely, well-written thank you letter to your scholarship provider is not only polite, but it can also help you stand out and increase your chances of receiving additional scholarships in the future if you aim to pursue more opportunities.

In this Campus guide, we’ll walk you through the process of how to write a thank you letter for a scholarship that will leave a lasting impression.

5 Tips for Writing a Great Scholarship Thank You Letter

Be Personal and Specific

Just like a cover letter, a scholarship thank you letter must be personal and specific. Address the letter to the scholarship provider by name, and mention the scholarship name and award year, if applicable.

This shows that you have done your research and you truly value the scholarship provider's support. You don’t want them to feel as though you would send this very letter to any other provider.

Start with Gratitude

Begin your scholarship thank you letter with a genuine expression of gratitude. Explain how the scholarship has helped you financially and how important it is for your academic journey.

If possible, mention how the scholarship has impacted your personal life and future goals. Be sincere and avoid exaggeration or flattery. Share your story.

Highlight Achievements

The scholarship provider wants to know that their investment in you is worth it, so mention some of your academic and extracurricular accomplishments since receiving the scholarship. This could be success in academics, leadership roles, volunteer work, or community service.

Highlighting your achievements shows that you are taking your education seriously and that you are an extraordinary scholarship recipient making the most of the opportunity in front of you.

Keep It Short and Sweet

A scholarship thank you letter should be concise and to the point. Keep your letter within one or two pages and avoid rambling or repeating information. Remember that the scholarship provider is most likely a busy person, so make sure your letter is certainly memorable, but also easy to read and informative.

Proofread and Edit

Before sending your letter, make sure to proofread and edit it thoroughly. Spelling and grammatical errors can ruin a good scholarship thank you letter.

Use spell-check software and read the letter out loud to catch any mistakes or awkward phrasings. Ask someone else to read it and give feedback. This will help ensure that your letter is polished and professional.

And of course, don't forget to end the letter with a closing statement that shows your appreciation and gratitude.

tips for writing a great scholarship thank you letter

Proper Formatting for a Scholarship Thank You Letter

Just as the content of your letter is important, so is its appearance! Proper formatting can make your scholarship thank you letter look professional and easier on the eyes.

Use a Professional Format

Your letter should be written in a standard business letter format. This includes your contact information (name, address, phone number, and email) at the top of the page, followed by the date, and then the contact information of the scholarship provider.

How much contact information you provide may depend on your relationship with the foundation or provider, so be sure to use your discretion.

Content Layout

The letter should start with a formal greeting addressed to the scholarship provider. The body of the letter should include your expression of gratitude, your achievements, and a closing statement.

Each of these should be written as separate, paragraphs that are reasonable in length in order to make the letter easy to read.

Font and Size

Use a simple and professional font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in a size that is easy to read, such as 12 point. Avoid using fancy or decorative fonts which can make your letter look unprofessional or hard to decipher.

Letter Spacing

Single spacing should be used within paragraphs, and a space should be left between paragraphs. This allows the letter to look neat and organized, and it also improves readability.


End your letter with a courteous closing, like "Sincerely" or "Kind regards," followed by your name. If it's a hard copy letter, leave some space for your handwritten signature above your typed name. The signature makes the letter more personal.

Remember, the presentation of your letter is a reflection of you, so ensure it is clean, professional, and error-free!

If you’re looking for scholarship thank you letter examples, Campus has got you covered. Read on to check out a scholarship thank you letter sample below.

Sample Scholarship Thank You Letter

Dear Campus,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for selecting me as the recipient of the Campus Trailblazer Scholarship for the academic year 2023.

Your generous support has helped me so much with easing the financial burden of my higher education as a first-generation student, allowing me to focus on my academic pursuits and passions as a business administration student.

In addition to financial relief, this scholarship has had a significant personal impact. It has not only affirmed my commitment to my business studies at Campus but also boosted my confidence in my potential to contribute positively to my community here in Chicago.

Since receiving the scholarship, I have maintained a 3.8 GPA and have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities. I have taken on a leadership role in our environmental club and volunteered over 100 hours at my local community center.

Your support has motivated me to strive harder and achieve more. Once again, thank you for your generosity and support. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity you've provided me with.


Jane Doe

Happy Writing!

Writing a scholarship thank you letter is a crucial step in your academic journey. It shows that you are grateful for the support, and it helps you stand out as a gracious and deserving scholarship recipient.

Remember to keep your letter personal, express gratitude and mention your achievements, proofread and edit, and keep it short and sweet. Following these tips will help you craft the perfect scholarship thank you letter and leave a lasting impression. Good luck, and congratulations on your scholarship!

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