Turn Your Passion for Technology into an Exciting Career

Turn Your Passion for Technology into an Exciting Career

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth in computer and information technology fields is faster than that in any other field. Between 2020 and 2030, jobs are expected to grow by 13 percent. It’s no wonder — there are new products, ideas and technology solutions happening in every industry every day. If you have a passion for computers and technology, why not turn it into a career?

Note: The data provided above are from a source unaffiliated with Campus, formerly known as MTI College, are for informational purposes only and represent the employment field as a whole. They are not solely specific to Campus graduates and, by providing the above information, Campus makes no representation, direct or implied, or opinion regarding employability.

Campus, formerly known as MTI College, offers two information technology programs.

  • The Technical Support Specialist diploma program teaches you the competencies needed to earn the globally recognized CompTIA A+ certification, an essential starting point for an exciting career in IT.
  • The Network Administration and Security associate degree program readies you for an entry-level position as a networking professional, providing the experience you need to earn the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Network+ and Security+ certifications.

With the in-depth, hands-on training you’ll receive at Campus, you will be equipped with the skills you need to handle the responsibilities that IT careers demand. Let’s dig into whether a technology position is right for you.

Deciding whether a technology career is right for you

Have a knack for computers? If you feel comfortable behind a computer screen, enjoy solving problems and love to learn, a job in the IT field might be perfect for you. As with most careers, having great communication skills will help you go far in this field.

Thriving in the technology field

If technology is your passion, you’ve chosen a good industry that has more demand than supply, according to USA Today.  Why is IT support and network security workers in such demand? Computers and mobile devices play crucial roles in everyday life, and that means that they constantly need upgrading and maintenance.

Systems analyst and technical support specialist jobs are expected to increase by 43.1 percent by 2020. For someone just entering the workforce, that’s a promising outlook. What’s more, technology is important in every industry, from manufacturing to restaurants to health care to government.

Although getting the proper credentials never guarantees that you will find an entry-level job in technology or any field, it is the best way to increase your chances. For computer-savvy job seekers, the odds are even higher.

Learning the skills you need to succeed

If you are the go-to person when family and friends need help with their computers, Campus' Technical Support Specialist program could be for you. It provides a foundation in common hardware and software technologies, giving you skills to support the complex IT infrastructures present in most industries.

You’ll learn to:

  • Install, configure, upgrade and restore PCs
  • Identify security breaches
  • Help end users connect their computers so they can work from multiple locations
  • Configure and service mobile devices
  • Evaluate and choose hardware components to customize systems
  • Troubleshoot and solve computer problems
  • Understand the ins and outs of multiple operating systems

If you like managing projects, analyzing equipment and making sure components work well together, the AWS Cloud Administration associate degree program might be the right choice for you. Companies need network administrators, as they play an integral role in almost any large business, regardless of the industry. It’s a career choice for people who like to learn about technology and then put it to use in the real world.

With this program, you’ll learn to:

  • Manage and support Windows Server
  • Work with Linux
  • Use networking simulators to build virtual server-based network infrastructures
  • Design, configure, manage and troubleshoot wireless and wired networks
  • Identify best practices in IT security
  • Understand the principles of network security and risk management
  • Secure a computer network to deter hackers

Qualifying for entry-level jobs in technology

Studying at Campus gives you valuable hands-on experience and a working knowledge of most types of computer hardware and many applications. It’s the solid foundation you to need to be able to service and maintain computer systems and networks for small businesses as well as large corporations.

Once you receive your Technical Support Specialist diploma and earn the CompTIA A+ certification, you are qualified for positions such as:

  • IT support specialist You’ll set up, install and troubleshoot a company’s computer and mobile technology and software while working closely with customers and vendors.
  • Help desk technician How many times have you had to call in to your Internet provider because of an issue? Chances are, you were speaking to a help desk technician.
  • Desktop support technician When your coworkers have issues with their computers, you’re the one they’ll call. You’ll look for network and wireless issues, configure and test their computers, set up new user accounts and format their computers.
  • Computer repair technician You could work in the public or private sector repairing and maintaining computers and servers, configuring new hardware, and installing and updating software.

Computer networking is critical to large companies and industries, such as health care and banking, that rely on secure shared databases. Completing your associate degree in Network Administration and Security and earning CompTIA Network+ and Security+ certification may open the door to an entry-level job as a:

  • Network administrator You would be responsible for setting up and maintaining an organization’s computer network to keep costs down and production up.
  • Security specialist In this important role, you would protect a company’s computer network and make sure that only authorized people could gain access to confidential information. You would also have to monitor the network’s infrastructure and firewalls.
  • Information security analyst You would look for security breaches and investigate violations, install firewalls and generally help keep a company’s computer network safe from hackers.
  • Systems administrator This job entails taking care of the day-to-day operation and upkeep of a company’s computer network.

 Get the technology skills and certification you need from Campus, and you can be on the way to turning your passion for technology into a good career.