Community colleges give students the flexibility to explore several educational channels without having to invest the time or monetary commitment that four-year colleges and universities demand. In the heart of this flexibility, community colleges in Sacramento offer a unique blend of academic and practical courses that cater to a diverse student body. For students in the Sacramento area, there are many junior colleges to choose from including Campus, formerly known as MTI College, and American River College. Those wondering why choose community college should consider the tailored support and variety of courses available right here in Sacramento, making education accessible and comprehensive.
However, unlike other schools Campus offers a number of distinct programs that professionally prepare students for their future careers. Furthermore, alongside these distinct programs, various community classes in Sacramento like those at Campus provide vocational and hobbyist education, fostering both career and personal growth. Anyone planning to enter higher level education should research their options thoroughly before making a final choice, so here is what Campus has to offer over community colleges.
Career Training & Guidance
Opting for Campus among the community colleges in Sacramento can be a pivotal step towards achieving not only academic but also professional milestones. Campus’ high graduation rate and 90% training-related job placement rate* show that Campus graduates out-perform those coming from comparable programs, including American River College.
In fact, Campus is so proud of its graduates that high achievers are eligible for its Guaranteed Graduate Program which vouches for the quality of a student’s expertise and promises to repay employers if they find a graduate less than satisfactory. This level of confidence in student success is what drives many to choose community college paths that prioritize hands-on experience and real-world readiness. For all students, however, Campus still offers on-going job placement assistance.
*Rate based on the number of graduates who registered for graduate placement services and secured employment in their field of study as well as those who did not register and successfully obtain employment on their own.
Personalized Attention
The personalized attention at Campus rivals that of any major university and highlights why choose community college—for the focused support and community engagement it offers. Students at Campus graduate quickly and on-time because we help them through the process. Become an Campus student and administrators will schedule your classes so you won’t have to worry about classes being full or not offered when you need them. In addition, your books will be delivered straight to you on your first day of class so you won’t have to wait in long bookstore lines or compare editions online.
Certification Preparation
With such comprehensive certification preparation, it's clear why community classes in Sacramento are in high demand among those looking to fast-track their careers. Not only do we want you to pass, we want you to succeed. Campus’ Test Pass Assurance Program is geared specifically toward helping students earn their certifications through intense hands-on skills training. Certification preparation is a major emphasis at Campus, unlike at public community colleges such as American River College. Campus’ phlebotomy training program has earned one of the highest certification pass rates in the state. Our technology programs are backed by the knowledge and expertise of our academic partners such as Microsoft and VMware. Finally, working closely with Paul Mitchell, the internationally renowned hair care product manufacturer, our cosmetology career training program has achieved a 93% pass rate for the California State Board licensing exam.
With all of its advantages over other community colleges, Camp quickly becomes an easy choice to make…
Indeed, these features underscore the benefits of community classes in Sacramento, where practical amenities meet quality education. Each of these advantages solidifies the role of Campus as a leader among community colleges in Sacramento. Combined with other school features designed for student convenience, including free parking, small class sizes, and an available career guidance staff, it’s clear that graduates of Campus have a clear advantage over those attending other colleges like American River College.